2 inches away from my Death

The haunting date:  23rd of June 2011 I was working online with a friend of mine helping him with a poster for an exhibition. Everything was fine except a crying Black cat I saw outside of my window. I have heard that it is a sign of death.. I was scared, but ignored as already I felt…


Rainbow Salad : An Awesome Brunch

  As usual, last Sunday also I work up at about 11AM. Come on guys.. We suppose to rest a lot. There’s nothing wrong about waking up late. Then I wanted to make something to fill my hungry tummy before it gets angry 🙂 It took less than 20 minutes to make. Super simple and yameeeeeeee 🙂 It…

Me & my love

I wrote this a long time ago, and thought it would be an interesting thing to share 🙂 ‘The one’ should have 4 ‘H’s. “Head, Heart, Hands, Health” and yes.. another H would be lovely.. which is ‘Handsomeness’ :D. Also he will be the heaven and hell, good and bad, lovely and dangerous at the same time. So basically..…


Just try to imitate IT…….

          it doesn’t have a color.. No taste People can’t live without it But, They don’t care. Whatever they do, it keeps helping. Sometimes it‘s dangerous too. But… it has the power of healing it is………… WATER Just try to imitate it…….


ARK: one Act of Random Kindness at a time

It’s about another moment of my life. It happened in 2005 when I was a prefect of my school. Just like a typical mischievous teenage school girl I wanted to cut a class (Although I was a prefect 😉 ). So I was walking to the play ground with a friend of mine. At once a…

The truth behind “Walking Dead”

IMDB link for more details: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1520211/ ***No one is around. The whole city is abandoned. Blood everywhere… Suddenly the Sheriff sees a girl.. dragging slowly with a teddy bear. So he asks her to wait and she turns. OMG.. it’s not a little girl!! It’s a monster!!! *** That’s the very first unforgettable moment in “The…


Puppy cannot take the cookie..  But you can.. So probably puppy needs you to take it… Well.. In Java also we need to keep things where everyone cannot access (Others can access only via authorized people). We call it “Encapsulation”. Encapsulation is one of the Object Oriented principles. Keeping the fields of a class private…

First step to Java

Java is a programing language developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. Currently it is a widely using language. Well… there are reasons that made it so important. Easy to learn (now be happy :)) An open source (no need to pay for coding or using) A cross-platform language (no matter you use Windows, Linux,…

Shop eBay

Many friends of mine are asking me “How can I buy things from eBay?” Well… Let me share my experience.. First you need to have (if you are in Sri Lanka), An eBay account A Sampath web card A PayPal account (There are many sellers who accept only PayPal) Sampath web card In Sri Lanka…

John’s nightmare. Oh Poor John..

This was a horrible moment that John’s mind yelled “I am lost in a nightmare”. Poor John… He is going to miss more than the above list. This is only his experience. Do you want to be the next victim? No right??? It’s time to terminate the old schedule book and think in 21st generation’s…